All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description Action Represents an action for an agent.Agent Represents an agent evolving into an environment.AgentKnowledge Represents an agent knowledge about the world.AgentProgram Class representing an ordered map specifically implemented to handle agent program.And Represents the conjunction of a set of operands.Atom Represents an atom, a proposition.Box Represents a knowledge that agent knows it true in a world in a modal logic system.CommonKnowledge Represents a set of agents knowing a common formula.Diamond Represents a knowledge that an agent considers to be true between world in a modal logic system.Equivalence Represents the equivalence of a formula to an other.EverybodyKnowledge Represents a set of agents knowing a common formula.Formula Represents the base of all components of the modal and epistemic logic representation.FormulaNotSupported Exception which indicate that the given formula is not supported yet.Implication Represents the implication of a formula to an other.Kripke Store a pair ofKripkeWorld
KripkeStructure Represents a system of reasoning for modal logic.KripkeStructureInvalidRuntimeException Exception class called when an invalid thing was arrived in the computation in aKripkeStructure
instance is possible.KripkeWorld Class representing a world in aKripkeStructure
(node of the graph in this structure).LogicAssignment Represents a logic assignment for a formula evaluation.Main Main class allowing to choose the problem to be interpreted.MAKBPInterpreter Represents a Multi-Agent Knowledge-Based Program interpreter.ModalLogicAssignment Represents an assignment for modal and epistemic logic and its extension.MuddyChildrenProblem Class representing the problem of muddy children.NoKripkeWorldPossibleException Exception class called when no world in aKripkeStructure
instance is possible.Not Represents the negation of a formula.Or Represents the disjunction of a set of operands.PropositionalLogicAssignment Represents an assignment for propositional logic and its extensionsTestAction Test class for theAction
class.TestAgent Test class for theAgent
class.TestAgentKnowledge Test class for theAgentKnowledge
class.TestAgentProgram Test class for theAgentProgram
class.TestAnd Test class for theAnd
class.TestAtom Test class for theAtom
class.TestBox Test class for theBox
class.TestCommonKnowledge Test class for theCommonKnowledge
class.TestDiamond Test class for theDiamond
class.TestEquivalence Test class for theEquivalence
class.TestEverybodyKnowledge Test class for theEverybodyKnowledge
class.TestImplication Test class for theImplication
class.TestKripkeStructure Test class for theKripkeStructure
class.TestKripkeWorld Test class for theKripkeWorld
class.TestMAKBPInterpreter Test class for theMAKBPInterpreter
class.TestNot Test class for theNot
class.TestOr Test class for theOr