Class ModalLogicAssignment

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ModalLogicAssignment
    extends PropositionalLogicAssignment
    Represents an assignment for modal and epistemic logic and its extension. We can note that this logic is an extension of the propositional logic.
    • Field Detail

      • structure

        protected KripkeStructure structure
        Kripke structure to evaluate the state.
      • world

        protected KripkeWorld world
        World of the Kripke Structure to evaluate the state.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModalLogicAssignment

        public ModalLogicAssignment​(java.util.Map<Atom,​java.lang.Boolean> state,
                                    KripkeStructure structure,
                                    KripkeWorld world)
        state - the state to evaluate
        structure - structure where evaluate the state
        world - world where evaluate the state inside the structure
    • Method Detail

      • getStructure

        public KripkeStructure getStructure()
        Gets the Kripke structure.
        Kripke structure where to evaluate the state
      • getWorld

        public KripkeWorld getWorld()
        Gets the world.
        world where to evaluate the state inside the Kripke structure